Unique services for successful charities
Levelling programme field
P4NGOs was created to level the programme playing field for charities by providing unique, high quality, and affordable programme services.
1. Overseas Project Implementation
Get your projects done efficiently
Managing and overseeing the effective delivery of programme operations is extremely costly. Moreover, with the rapidly evolving sector, we now require even further expertise and higher benchmarks. It’s no surprise that charities struggle to afford adequate team of programme personnel for global operations. This gap is most prominent when a charity manages to raise significant funding but fail to get the human & financial resources and capacities required for scale up and delivery of money raised.
You can rely on P4NGOs to deliver your projects as quick, efficient and effective as possible. through our global network of excellent partners, we implement relief and development projects in the following countries: The Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine (including Gaza Strip, West Bank and Al Quds), Yemen, Turkey, Morocco, Libya, Greece, Somalia, and other African countries.
Our business model helps us to provide much needed advantages to our clients: speedy implementation, high quality media feedback, unmatched compliance, and very competitive prices.

2. Programme Outsourcing
It doesn't have to be in-house
Communication, accounting, & HR outsource providers are easy to be found when needed. Contrast this with, the notable lack of programmes outsourcing providers. P4NGOs is filling this vacuum and can manage all, or some, of your programme function on your behalf, ensuring compliance while value for money. We will be your external programmes department that you can rely on.
Advantages of outsourcing your programme function with us:
Cost efficiency: outsourcing your charity's programme function with us will help you save a lot of fixed expenses that come with recruiting programme team; salaries, pension payments, office spaces, laptops, HR issues, etc. .
High quality prograamme support: we are experts in conducting due diligence & risk management, managing grants, dealing with partners, meeting compliance requirements, making the right balance between programme realities and fundraising demands, and all other aspects of programme management. Working with us will give your charity an excellent advantage and will help you focus on other priorities.
Focus on what you know best: outsourcing your charity’s programmes with us, will free your mind and time for other important matters such as governance and fundraising.
Opt out anytime! You won't be stuck with us. if you are not happy with our service, simply drop us an email or WhatsApp message.

3. Programme Consulting

Get programmes sorted
Is your charity struggling to effectively manage it programmes and staying compliant? That could be related to policies, processes, forms, due diligence, projects data storage & retrieve, donor compliance, reporting, delivery partners…etc. You do not have to pay ridiculous fees to get professional help. With years of experience in project & programme management, we have the capabilities and expertise to put the right programmatic foundations in place.
In our programme consulting service, we take full programme view. We work with our clients to understand where improvement opportunities lie and how these can be realised. We can then create and deliver tangible and practical action plans not just a long list wish list.
We can help in:
Internal assessment and recommendations
Programme strategy
Project management
Grant management
Specific donor compliance
Due diligence & risk assessment
Programme data storage and filing.
Programme policies
Advice for trustees on programme and partnership issues. ​
4. Connect With Local Partners
Work with reliables
Are you looking for reliable and overseas trusted local partners ? In line with the localisation agenda, we will link your charities with reliable local partners on the ground in countries around the world. All our local partners go through rigorous process of due diligence that meets Charity Commission requirements.
Also, we represent some of these partners here in the UK to facilitate partnership and communication.